Kosovo Open World, September 8 – 16, 2017
The Kosovo Open world delegation was exciting and filled with curious, knowledgeable young people. We learned of a close association between Kosovo and Iowa. There are two Kosovo Consulates in the US, one in New York and one in Des Moines, plus the Embassy in DC. The delegates learned a great deal about language development and immigration in Iowa. West Liberty was an eye-opener for all of us. We found a 53% minority population, with a low crime rate, bi-lingual education in the schools and great cooperation in the community. Both Dubuque and Des Moines told us how they welcome immigrants– the International Center is welcoming people to Des Moines who speak 190 different languages! We suggested to FFI, the delegates, and the Consul General, that our club help form a FF club in Pristina.
Thanks to Dave Detwiler for following along with his camera for two days.