Outgoing Cincinnati ExchangeJuly 21-27, 2014
Under the leadership of Steve Williams, 15 ambassadors: Bob & Benita Pruess, Tressa & Irvin Youngbear, Joe & Donna Ironside, Dianne & Mike Karal, Steve & Nancy Williams, Marian Wetjen, Marian’s sister Ellen McVey of Midland MI, Shirley Rosencrans, Esther Hudson, & Will Mickelson, traveled to Cincinnati for an journey.
They had the story of the Underground Railroad opened up to them. Slaves took many dangerous chances to obtain their freedom and escape their enslavement. The wonderful speakers helped bring it all to life for us and we felt their pain, their fear, their heartache and their joy if they made it to freedom.
Exchange Schedule:
- July 21 – Arrived by train – evening with host
- July 22 – Toured National Underground Railroad Freedom Center – evening with host
- July 23 – Toured Boone Co. Underground Railroad History provided by the Boone Co. Public Library. Lunch at Pettersburg, KY and browsed the town.
- July 24 – Visited two Underground Railroad stops – the home of Presbyterian abolitionist John Rankin and the home of African-American abolitionist John Parker. Traveled on to Richmond for lunch. Evening with hosts.
- July 25 – Had a farewell lunch at Six Acres Bed & Breakfast built by an abolitionist. It was very near a ravine used as a slave escape route. Next visited the Wesleyan Cemetery to get history of local’s involvement in the Underground Railroad. Afternoon and evening free with host.
Ambassadors left for home on the train.