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Sacremento Incoming Exchange, April 30 – May 7, 2017

Our Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Journey


FFI has introduced some changes.

Did you know we no longer have Exchanges?


A Journey is the word for our adventures now

But we can still reach out and make new friends anyhow.


We all arrived in wind and rain,

But a warm Welcome Dinner soon eased our pain.


In Kalona we were well fed no matter where we went.

Salina fed us to our hearts content.


The country bakery was hard to find,

But well worth the Journey in all our minds!


The auction had many horses and ponies and such,

The auctioneer spoke so fast we couldn’t understand much!


Bargains were a plenty at the Stringtown store,

Many of us might like to return there for more.


At the Old Capitol Museum, history abounds

Even glass blown spittoons are still around


Iowa City is known as having a fine University

And all around us we saw signs of great diversity


In West Branch we learned Herbert Hoover was a Quaker

He grew up to be President: a mover and a shaker!


His beloved wife Lou was a modern woman, Heaven forbid!

She partnered with her husband on almost everything they did.


In 2008, devastation flooded the City

But all these years later there is no cause for pity


New businesses have started and other have thrived

It’s great to see Cedar Rapids has come back alive


At the Doubletree we enjoyed a fine view and lunch

And walking by Quaker Oats you might even smell Captain Crunch.


The Paramount stage is benefitting a star,

If we could all sing and dance, we might all go far.


We visited Turner Alley of Grant Woods fame,

Whenever we see a pitchfork, we will remember his name.


The spectacular library brought back from the flood,

A technology wonder, where previously was just mud.


Moving three million pounds was an untried feat,

But the Czech museum board and volunteers didn’t miss a beat.


The Motorcycle and Penitentiary museums are left out of this ditty,

We had to write it last night, so we had no time to be witty.


FF Sacramento wants to thank Cedar Rapids, Iowa City club for all your originality, In planning a week with great hosts, activities and warm hospitality.